韓国の人糞酒「トンスル」 - Korean Poo Wine


●Yuka Uchida is AWESOME! She is fearless, intelligent, and very funny! She also drank the 'Poo wine' so we didn't have to. Watching this also cured my heartburn and helped me drink my Saki a LOT faster than I normally do. Cheers!~

● Aside from the controversial topic, this documentary itself is well-made. Good editing and camerawork. BGM is played effectively. It may deserve a Pulitzer Prize! :D

● I'm sorry this reporter was so worried about finding a husband. Her bravery is commendable. I hope she finds someone who thinks so too. :)

大和民族第一主義極中道会 略称民一会(みんいちかい)

国政を目指している会です!まだまだ小さい会ですが、 どうか応援よろしくお願いします!天皇陛下を敬愛する極中道の自警組織です。正しいインターナショナリズム。安定雇用こそ少子化対策!ベーシックインカム。安楽死。時代の課題に即応した、 高い問題解決能力を備えた自由で公正な日本的政治システムの構築を目指します。


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